Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Views: 259






Before humanity …built up enough momentum…

To overcome the evil of …the anti+hero…

To seek redemption …from the enemy within…

From the fear …of the unknown…

By siding with the all seeing …all knowing…

All doing… supreme being… 


A lowly clerk... worked on...

HIS own plan... 

Tired of being ignored, 

Besides, he was bored... 

The job ...paid in righteousness... 

A thing he felt was ...useless... 


What all this fuss was all about... 


Besides wasn't he GOOD enough... 

He CLEARLY understood the difference

Between day and night, it was all so simple

Darkness ...and light... 

After all... 

Wrong ...and right... 

was ...BORING...


There were no consequences... 

If you broke all your promises...

Lived for only pretences... 

Let others down,  

While you did you pleased... 

Went to bat 

ALL ...the time... 

Swung for the fences... 

Lost, nothing at all... 


So he made up his mind... 

Had a self determined evolution... 

He would not only be his own man

Hell, why not... 

Start a rebellion... His very own...


After all was said ...and done... 


It might even fun...


He stole away... 

All the days treasures

From the petty cash drawers 

Got the flyest, outfits... 

And flew out the door... 


He'd decided right then... 

No more need to pretend... 

After all, said and done... 

Wasn't he... 

sharp as a bumble bee's stinger

A fly by night, extra...

A bit player 

A third stringer... 

devised a plan... 

Envy inspired, truth denier... 

Born again+twisted 

Straight up, pants on fire... 


Lucifer Satan… a highly positioned, low class

Agent …of the REAL



By ...the real One... 

If you know... the truth ...and the Light...

Who moves every star in the heavens, 

You know …the one… 

Not the one of those ...others... 

Allied with the Devil... 

Seeking turn those 

He/She ...may be able... 

To lose their place 

At the table... 

With the


Who brings ...the love... 

And the life...

Positioned between the father

…and the sun/son…


Yes, it was ...Lucifer... 

Or the Devil ...if you prefer...

Took some old soiled sheets 

Gathered and polished

Some nasty dried up, bones 

And with some nasty magic

...straight from hell...  

Conjured ...a spell... 

And made himself

...a throne... 


He sent out ...applications... 

Positions his army...  

Paying price... 


For those willing... 

To lay down with whores... 


Keep company with...

Murderers and theives 


To ...ignore others suffering...


Betray the truth...

Trade in rumors and lies

And major vice...


Some of you

…might have associations

With fiends …who pretend to be friends…

Share their dirty little secrets

To get you involved…

Implore your allegiance

…to the power seekers…

Who own …the streets…

Invoke fear and envy

…whenever they are seen…

May appear kind and nice…

at times…  

Are in reality …mean, nasty…

Cruel and evil… people…

Talking about themselves, as if…

They own …the world…

(and they’re just being discrete)

…are fearless, all knowing…

But work …in secret…

Know all the right tricks…

Got all the best chicks  

Are hell raisers …between the sheets

And if you don’t know better

…get you to pretend…

You are cooool …like them…

…don’t be fooled…

Remember, back in the day…

Before heroes …got caught…

They’d give their all…

For all things good…

They would never …sell out…

And they couldn’t be bought…

They were truth makers …not fast talkers

…or sh*# takers…

They were loyal …to those who deserved it…

Learned to avoid …petty, pretentious people…

Avoided unnecessary entanglements

With clever people …seeking illicit favors…

To cause them to disgrace their name,

Didn’t allow people to play them cheap…

Didn’t buy respect with cheap tricks

…or expensive gifts…

And did not play games

Falsely accuse …or unduly criticize…

The weak …and innocent souls

Who walk among us…

They proved time after time

They were trust …worthy…

Because …they earned it…







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Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:

Turn me loose!

LP45 says:

Awesome. Excellent flow and imagery going on here. Thanks for sharing C2.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

An outstanding flow of truth's truths. Thanks for sharing. Peace and Love, M. Lowe
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thank you, warriors of the soul bringer...

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:


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