Don't want to label this anything greater than just a fluid exchange which is why I never ever drop your name not even in casual conversation don't need nobody trying to define our relations draw a check mark and now we're boxed into a situation that neither of us signed up for so don't trip and catch yourself falling into love wit anything more than a favorite position need you to not only hear but listen the road to monagamy is not the mission so don't take a left turn and find yourself lost in this kiss it mere prescence is only to unzip barriers of the physical nature any emotion past lust is unwelcome at this current location somewhere between friends and aquaintence is where we're currently stationed to awol would only lead to sure fast incarceration of one's own liberation which is not now nor ever been part of the equation our union is that of a temporary base so if you start to feel like a permanent resident it may be time to cease all communication as I would if I found myself caught up or thinking about loving you