Lyrical Lyfe | Poetry Vibe
Lyrical Lyfe
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Views: 416

life seem brighter since i've learned a women's worth

low-self esteem had my mind trapped like detention

not knowing it can be defeated

detention was just a way to get your attention 'Not kill ya '

Since i have came into the knowlegde of who I am

i have improved " Communication"

Perfecting my craft daily " Dedication"

shedded my snake skin to reveal a new me "High school Diploma"

comfortable in my skin " meditate in this aroma "

I just want a spot in heaven " Earn"

along the way , digest , all the many lessons i have learned

my life was already wrote out

In God We Trust

if you are living , without life , then H*ll you just a bust

that comes and go

do you really want to be a walking one night stand ?

and the world remember what you did but forget your name !!!!

life is a blessing and to live it is a Must !!

So why do we become invisible like dust ?

God created man with His power , in the palm of his hand

this world is ours

for our demand

SO SPEAK IT !!!!!!!!!

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love_supreme says:

I love this poem!

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DeleDivine says:

This is HOT!!.:) Keep it coming!!

Lyrical Lyfe says:

Thank You both :) !!

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