ElroyKen | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Views: 207
I look to u and you look right pass me, am I that transparent or have no notoriety, I think I am florescent highly, I get so fed up sick of society,and all the pressure ,all the lies and all their measure, and what they think things should be, this love was giving to me, I don't see the way they see I see a nine they see a six but they upside down, some think the earth is flat but I kno its round, imposing their will, encroaching my chill, I kno how to discern real from fake, I know these words can kill or can make u relate, so seals my fate, kno I am headed for hell but still hope God wont close the gate

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Sometimes, we can't tell if we're digging a hole to bury ourselves, or laying the fenceposts for the foundation... Finding ourselves, can be scary as HELL. Sometimes we have to go through hell, to know which direction, is not being there. We are at times, led to seek redemption... to lift ourselves from a certain fate. To elevate, we must appreciate, faith... not hate.

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