Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Introduction to A mind portion You will see how I see In scattered distortions Diverse soul contortions I..but I and THEM I NEVER intended To become global I was just another spoken word artist local Seemed like many saw OUR third EYES visions With precision And they began to appreciate my intellectual vocal WE then began to have noticed Life became more clear & focused We thought We started seeing clearly So I spoke our truth In hopes someone would here HE Rarely would any come near me As IF demons were the ones to 'steer me' 'Light' began to endear me The devil began to fear me He would snicker and sneer me I was confused Yet confounded Life struggle Only had the hidden pain compounded I forced 'sharp edges' Under my genetic telekinetic frantically frenetic control We took lifes sharp blades And had them rounded Took NEGATIVITIES spawn In the world And had them BOUND(ed) Powerfully bound I then recognized The POWER Of vibration in sound Enunciation, with turbulent tonal in my vocal Manipulated Table of Periodic Elements They lost their reverence and relevance To HIS draconian eloquence Shook the HEAVENS And subterranean plates Self motivated To promote merkaba emission As a grand plan mission To then elevate Allow me to reiterate I have alien like titanium covering my breast plate And my cranium Spirit is dipped in ten percent uranium Power of my Soul is explosive Living here is corrosive Eating away at my atrophying decadence And making us erosive My esophagal and larynx Reveals auditory secrets I keep with I lay and sleep with No need to be discreet with Always been awkward socially Created methodical methods of maneuvering My overly timid self emotionally Lived Bi-coastally Annunaki in NIBIRU Toast to me Those that are close to me Not any of those Who impose Our existence I DISCLOSE My earthly honesty honestly Brought me more pain and modesty Been suspected Of being biophysiologically And biochemically sickly Those who take a chance To conversationally dance NOT prance But time taken to know us Not forsaken and shown us Live, and come with me Those...some souls Mightily knighty Come to me nightly Speak in angelic idioms And share wisdom Nicely and politely From godly gifts given swiftly Not to jynx me Or eclipse me Oh no... I am NOT saintly, So NO pictures of purity Should you try to paint me Lets converse And properly acquaint thee My so called sickness Came OVER ME with the swift quickness Split personal spirituality Overcame my social slimness In this realistic actuality Thats a grandiose factuality Too timid & quiet Around most humanity They CALL ME crazy But I believe they dwell In a realm of depraved insanity Upside down gardens My heart softens Then hardens Purposeful Hyper perpetuated Inflicted verbally depicted Constructed fluctuations As I DO NOT seek But would love, A LOVE From another soul being Who too sees WHAT & HOW I'm seeing! I 'RUN TO' I'm NEVER fleeing Make my own guidelines Of 'right & wrong' Live by my own decrees I raise up My own levels and degrees I can warm my own soul When it desires To transpire or freeze No longer a fool who pleads On his knees Suppressed childhood anger Emotionally circumstantially circumvented NOT invented slander Suspended personality Extended adulthood began at nine I tasted the blood filled wine I stopped my crying On knowledge and personal growth I would sit and dine Aged prematurely No cure for me Not so sure of me?! I get it But I desire to take your appetite And whet it Getting to know me Don't fret it You wont regret it Trust me He said it Good conversation In your mind will be engraved and embedded But truly I only seek solace With the sun May my fears and insecurities be scorched Burned off like a tumor Shh...I heard a rumor That the world Is ending sooner Sooner than soon I guess I have to 'Dans la lune' Just a little longer I feel it rising ME, Its compromising Berating me To my eventual demising I see deaths hor-i-zon Death Of who or what though? Energy? A part of me? The heart of me? Am I just discarding me? These thoughts Just keep bombarding me Paranoia & panic My life Is both beautiful & TRAGIC I muster up stargazer lilies Growing from granite I AM NOT Of this planet Secret revealed A Scar born A STAR scorned Rebirthed On this horrific earth Drawn to mourn Unequivocally I passively radically SuperIMPOSE superNOVAS Flying about erratically Nine trillion two hundred zillion galaxies Mathematically Why did I fall HERE? To learn to cry and tear? To LEARN AND FEEL FEAR? I crawled out of darkness Into this fantastically Horrible life harshness I developed METHODS To stay hidden And within myself I COULD BE Protected and enveloped NO MORE Dreamy godlike heavenly canopies I NOW communicate to myself randomly Self preservation SAVAGELY I MUST Inflict conflict Into my matrix district Be a bit more strict With my DIC Tation Emotional suffocation Spiritual resuscitation By SkTzO or ILLUMINATION? Being multiple conscious selves in public... Are there ramifications For THAT Kind of demonstration? I am NOT of this earth place This wasted dirt That causes pain and hurt Testing everyones Perspective of SELF worth! Pretending to be defending Words that socially 'Are offending'? Or just being offensive? My minds military strike... ...pre-emptive Other dimensional vision Along with these TRIfocal Given To this intellectual LOCO Raised by alien reptiles And motherly hovering lobos Its disclosed EMOTION(al) NON docile Sloppily slurring and DEFILE With language bile My 'human' avatar Is NO LONGER Worth while I NEED to change up My style Another 'record set' and achieved Gotta organize it Place it inTO The appropriate file A spiritually dieing And crying Self relying soul Child in DENIAL I will LEAVE In, but a short while. 'Cut it close' vertically The verdict sees This POETIC hermit BLEEDS So I retreat as I concede SkTzO - is taking over me! ericmusse © copyright 2012

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