2Late4luv | Poetry Vibe
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A Healthier Me


long distance

Views: 217

The out of body experience is all too real.  Some things in life you should not have to feel.  Like, the ache of hunger as tv telecasts a world looking for adventure, vacationing with turbo blasts to outer space, other galaxies the next exclusive place,  or that sharp pang of loneliness when loved ones leave you out to journey someplace else.  The list can grow for lines upon lines, my lamentation, this time, is about  becoming fit and trim causing serious loss of life's essential sequences.  Like, independence after college, my own place, my own toilet; my own husband and my own children;  a retirement fund and grandchildren visiting.  Any medicines as a result from doctor's visit I have to report as needed consultations crop up.  I neglected to mention my own car.  This must be happening to someone else.  I truly believed I could take care of myself.  The time has passed and I am convinced its trip has left me jetlaggedand my true self is waiting for my name to be called over the intercom.

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

I love the metaphoric energy and imagery in this piece. Much Respect!

mrmelody7 says:

Interesting write dont fine many speak of the OBE will and fortitude will get you anything as I found out in life all you want out of life you can get it just be sure for yourself you wont regret it very good write subject matters

Chris says:

I could hear your voice and see the expression on your face, as you flow out, your amazing thoughts. Very Touching

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mlowe5 says:

Deep! Thanks for the respercted share. He takes care of everything else; we must take care of ourselves. Peace and Love, mlowe5

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