A dewdrop …serenade…
Open your eyez…
Look up through the cloud curtains…
Opening act, gaze …into the stars…
Imagine the skies… from the point of view…
Of a dew drop…
Where ever …the humble beginning…
Looking deeply …into the sub+atomic realm
Water molecules …sharing strong bonds
Released… when energies exceed them…
Falling …like dominoes…
Or …like paratroopers
Diving from their aircraft
Screaming, from the top of their lungs
…GERONIMO… oooo…
Like… now…
Self contained …oceans …within ourselves…
Ruled perhaps …from the spiritual realm…
Where we might recognize …who we are…
Children …of the stars…
The eternal… knows this…
And we are allowed to continue …this charade…
As if masters of …momentary bliss…
Just a kiss away …from a return…
To the dust from whence we came…
An energy signature of
The creators …whim…
As we entertain ourselves…
Our tinkering …borders somehow on greatness…
Still, the clouds…
Witness the passing of our time
Our self serving …selfies…
In the creators …image?...
All the way to our near space…
To the moon
Follow the nature of the balance
Of interplanetary voices…
Singing …of life…
Before human forms…
And its plethora
Of animatronic playthings…
Devoid of water…
…nature stayed its course…
Moisture …condensed…
Clouds persistent …till the end of time…
Into the visible towers
Of varied shapes …and forms
In myriad shades …of grays and white
Kissed by the sun…
Which paint magnificent stages of sunrise
…and sunsets…
We cannot soon forget
Or the dew on the spider webs,
Frost …on the windowsill…
…in the low creeping clouds…
Sweeping across the ground…
Much like its
Reaching elevations in the skies
From the depths within the ocean…
From ice on a mountaintop…
Absorbing radiant energies…
Released from a solid …or a liquid state
Forming a vaporous chain
Something… engrained…
Deeply …within…
Drifting, like snow… Falling, like …rain…
Hurtling through space like hail…
Rising, falling… rippling in waves with wind shear
Following the whims of forces
Explosively interacting …with an offset balance…
In the space …between…
Lightning exposed the power…
Of energies balanced…
Heaven …and earth…
Signs of life …forces…
…before the life…
We follow… in our vain, insanity…
Of thinking …humanity…
As the center
…of the all…
Roars approval…
At the sight…
Of the rainbow…
…the storm…