Trou8l3 | Poetry Vibe
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With every breath



Views: 241


I'm tired of feeling like I'm wrong for "FEELING" Every time I speak .. I'm muted and ya background is everything What about me? Why do I have to be the one who u don't see? Why am I the one that who is over looked? Why does my right have to be written in ur wrongs? Every misunderstanding.. There's so many opinions Compared to my mistake When is enough...enough How are u a grownwoman and can't decide? Why do I have to feel like a puppet in your disguise? How am I supposed to trust someone that makes me out to be... Less than ME!! I know what it feels like to just to be in a relationship...alone I know what it feels like to be "The joke" No matter how unbothered I seem... I'm hurt....

I wanna scream out, FUC YOUUUUUUU ,

 FUC THIS.... Whatever it is... 

Sorry NOT sorry!

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