Trou8l3 | Poetry Vibe
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Heat wave



Views: 372

So abused by my own thoughts, I allowed The abandonment to seek in... And like no other, it took over me.. 

Anxiety I hate to carry the burden of some unjust love...

The emotional heartache Of another females mistake.. 

And making someone else pay for those mistakes.

It's never easy when you love unconditionally.. Flaws an all... It's almost like being open for a curved ball

blindfolded expecting nothing

When knowingly every consequence comes with it's own baggage

Being the one whose, opinions go unheard,

A smile goes along way,

 No one understands I'm the same one...

Feeling bad... Noone ever asks... Are u okay? How are u feeling today? It's always about them 

And how they feel within...

At hello I was ready..

In the middle I was satisfied..

Now settling in ... Feels like I have to justify When it should be mutual brokout Of the broken hearts we shared..

And loving the WRONG ones I would expect for u to understand.. . olding Holden on to the slightest smiles,

and special moments

Before the twist came an destroyed it..

I wanna trust your intentions aren't fuc ed up... I'm a book of many written stories, and episodes unclear Misunderstood by many Loved by few If u only knew... **Open, at ya own risk**

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Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:

Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

I feel you on this one💯
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Superb...and resonate....thanks for sharing this piece!

LP45 says:

Great write poet, thanks for sharing.

love_supreme says:

Very nice

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