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Ruby Bridges


Views: 291

In recognition of National Women's History Month

The Ruby of our world
was a rose-tinted glass
through which we dreamed.
She led by example
in her school and class.
Pushing against the ceiling
of segregation’s past
meant walking into a movement
on an unmapped path.

At age six Ruby passed
a rigorous entrance test.
She had always excelled
by doing her best.
She became one of the
famous McDonogh Three.
What happened next
made Civil Rights history.

Ruby’s sweet nature
veiled her genuine fear.
This tiny steadfast soldier
deserved knowledge, not spears.

Shouts, guns, and spit
couldn’t stop the progress
fate stitched into the
silver lining of her hem.
Nothing would rob this child
of her pride ever again.

Not put off by
the onslaught of hate-filled attacks.
Her mindset couldn’t be
outwitted or matched.

She shined like a gold medallion.
The deaf, dumb, and blind
chanted, “black, black, get back.”
Change was on the horizon.

She wore a pure white sweater
over a starched plaid dress.
Spectators recorded the moment
along with the national press.



Who could miss the sparkle
in her hopeful eyes?
A strong child’s body
striding in crystal daylight.

They only saw death,
and reacted according to their view.
Yelled, “black, black, go back.”
Blinded by her stellar rise.

Beautiful bronze skin
with ginger undertones.
They cursed her tint
and trampled
on innocent black bones.

Black, the color oppressors’
mind and heart swore to reject.
Black, the only premise given
for blocking her small footsteps.

With school supplies packed
in a briefcase, shiny brown,
she walked while proud and Black
as protestors screamed,
hissed, and frowned.

Even the name, Ruby Bridges,
gave a stellar deep-rooted hint.
Did anyone there have a bit
of grounded common sense?
No! They only saw black.
Raised a fist-ball wall of contempt.

Sacrifices made by the family
showed their true intent.
The quest for an equal education
grew obviously evident.

When whites began entering
the heavily guarded doors,
her enemies turned to friends.
Students ignored the roar.
Ruby’s resolve helped her defense.

Barbara Henry became Ruby’s teacher.
She ignored the obscene nonsense.
Taught like you’d teach a scholar,
giving Ruby one hundred percent.

You are still the Ruby of our world.
The ruby-tinted glass
through which we dream.
Rain or shine - Day or night
Whether skin is jet black
or white as pearls…
The Master is forever Guiding
our brilliant storyline.

All rights reserved. 2020


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Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

Outstanding write..Standing ovation.. Ruby was a precious gem that could never be shattered by the oppressors .. Such inspiration in this piece.. Thanks for sharing..

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Absolutely Beautiful....thanks for this relevant reminder...during what seems like the darkest of times....Namaste

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