KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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The year of the mirrors



Views: 405


Year of the mirrors


 The year is 2020

Humanity plays the victim.

 Does it really take for a new strain of a virus for us to finally practice cleanliness?!

People are panicking all over the world


  The fear fuels plenty.


Hoarding items that they really don't need

Do you not see that this plague is because of our arrogance and greed?!

Egos and Deceit.

Now you want to pray for a healing, avoid handshakes and wicked dealings

you should have been skeptical of strangers, our leaders been warned us about filth, but we were only hearing and not listening.

Do you know that the wicked won't survive, the meek will inherit the earth, God promised to keep them alive.

Money can't suddenly buy you immunity,

neglecting your immune systems, won't buy you unity,

With your own body,

That has been with you from day 1

You treat it as if it's a toy, breaking and scratching it up

not respecting your temple, that's why your bodies are acting up.

Toxin after toxin we consciously insert into our bodies

you weren't made in China

You are the best of designs created by the most wise.

You see your mind when it's used properly can heal all that surrounds

light up any environment, all germs will eventually bow down.

But you must detox your soul, mind and body to unlock and permeate that great power.

You must understand that you are caught in a race of competing super powers

you must condemn all evil or be turned Into a dying flower.

Living in the greatest country in the world don't guarantee you freedom, justice and equality, your mind determines those inherent gifts that were bestowed upon us by our all wise, most merciful and most beneficent creator.

The greatest country in the world also has the poorest health in the world, the greatest country in the world also purposely and by design keeps people in darkness so that they cannot see the light and candle of God that will lead humanity back to righteousness.

That place that humanity belongs.

In the times where those with little faith fear are the same times that those with big faith embraces hope, holding onto the rope of God and not letting go, knowing that this too shall pass and will only be a blemish and and eventual victory of the humble beings.

Even though the righteous walk through the valley of viruses, they will fear no corona, and speak no evil.

They will be spiritually, morally and physically clean to defeat this Dis-ease and Dis-comfort, that's making those that have fear in their hearts plead for the government to stop the flow of this seed that was planted in wuhan to wipeout the Chinese,

but they did not succeed.

It backfired, now the Dis-ease heads back home, to wreak havoc on the American peeps,

our health is so poor, so the virus is able to breathe

and knock people off of their feet.

Don't for forget the Blankets of smallpox, the theft of lands, the Kidnapping of Africa's Angels that became the food of Great white sharks and the back bones of men, the stains of slavery, the humiliation and degradation of Jim crow, the syphilis experiments in Tuskegee, the concentration camps that housed the japs, the labeling of immigrants who were already home, the infiltration of cointelpro, the tricknology of the donkey and elephant parties that will never give you the Key to unlock your potential that's locked in a cage.

Will this Great country finally stop selling it's own people poison and finally encourage the people to build up their immune systems, the greatest system that was ever created and to stop treating people but really heal them of their illnesses?!

As long as there is a thirst for power and greed, that place will always become the home of sickness and Dis-ease,

We say God bless America, a chant that they scream, Well God won't bless you until you let the people go spiritually, mentally and physically free!


Qadar Dwon'

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

My brother from another womb but same Motherland this screams 2 Chronicles 7:14 Smiling@u King
Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

Thank you my wize poetic sibling! I learned and leaned on one of the best to ever pick up a people.. I am forever thankful for your great energy and great vibes that you have always shown me...
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

PREACH ON, MY BROTHER! There are a lot of souls out there that need detoxing, awareness and prayer; that need to take a good reflective look into the mirrors of the past and the present---and turn those mirrors around and look at their blacksides' reflection. The "Burning Bush Burns On. Peace and Love, M"Lowe.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Outstanding P.S.A Brother KingQ......yes to covet is to be consumed.....may light shine on all who will see enough to listen and listen enough to see......ONE

Modi says:

It's heavy. I like it.

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Scash102 says:


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Charles2 says:

great work... as a sidetrack, check out "Should you agree"

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