Time …lost
Relevance... Given value
To dues being paid
Denied by design,
Ancient truth... Concealed,
By contemptuous disregard
Beat the golden rule
Take the ore
To Hell…
...buried beneath a fire
Of narcissistic greed…
Engage …campaigns of…
Outrageous character assassination...
Akin to the raucous calls
Of a flock of ravens
Which… cry out, to…
Worry the hawk…
Or loose talk…
...a bed of vicious lies
Laid out by jealous prostitutes
Or families robbed
…of familiar precious treasured relics…
Contemptuously destroyed,
By angry mobs …with fire and guns
While children and elders
Are buried alive…
Tensions building
...to levels
Nearly …beyond belief…
If not for the innate gift
Of unconditional love
Which gives our souls
That perpetual lift
No matter how hopeless
How cold… how deep
The despair…
We live …on…
In faith,
A mother’s love…
Revealed in a sure and steady voice
Imparts …that spark
…a faint glimmer of light…
Magnified …within our hearts
Plants seeds with the
To make such tiny particles
To become so engrained…
To entertain …momentous energy…
Become exponential...
A child who dreams
A wise and kind soul…
At such time as a mighty nation
Calls upon his/her talents
To become king/queen
Is this call
An equivocal… revelation…
Of the quest in all of us to become
A keeper of our dream state
Or do we stay preoccupied
With protection of our adopted beliefs
So much so…
That when we make
The final push away …from our
Opened …golden cage…
…to find our own …freedom…
Some, choose …death…
Rather than…
Joining the others, who… instead…
Have chosen …the familiar ring
Of bloody chains
…and remain enslaved…