Be sure to wash your hands…
the new pleading command
from fearing fearers…living
in these testing times of life…
However, in this season
of pandemonium,
we’re reminded that we
should be about washing
each others’ feet
as was non-virtually taught
and demonstrated
by the Master Teacher…
Today, those feet are
our hearts, minds and souls,
with their Peter analogies
needing the same message
of love and service unto
one another—realizing that
there is no fear in love; for love
is and of God…and so are we…
It is written that no one has seen God
since the time of our beginnings...up to
the times that has brought us to now—
where we must realize that by loving one
another, God’s love is perfected in us…
Let us hereby know…thus are the facts:
there can be no fear in perfect love; for
such love cast out all fear—in the spirit
of truth and in the spirit of error—rooting
firm courage in life’s testing times. Believe!