Artist JoeMac | Poetry Vibe
Artist JoeMac
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My mama had two boys at birth and we were both separated, identical twins yearning for a brotherly bond that we only achieved in our dreams, then, I remember the day it happened, we connected after 30 plus years..on facebook..he sent me a DM saying brother meet me at the taco shop, see I liked his taste already, upon greeting I was astounded, we both had the same scar on our right jaw, we both talked out the side of our mouth, we both had that missing patch of hair, yea right there in the middle, just like our daddy, but there were a few differences, he said brother I’m gay, I said ok, I’m straight, he said I let these dreads hang to never forget our ancestors who were hung so we could have better, I said I keep these waves to never forget how we were brought over here on boats with that trans atlantic slave trade, he say I have no tattoos because you never see a bumper sticker on a bentley, I said I have twenty six of em, because you never saw a wall in a pyramid that didn’t write our history lessons, he said I am vegan because meat destroys the body, therefore, when disease comes, my immune system is bold, I said that sounds like gold, but I am a carnivore, I am what I eat, so if you call my , trust me, I won’t get offended, he say I was born two minutes before you because you are nothing if you’re not in first place, I said I was born two minutes after you because God realized he made a mistake and thus had to follow it up with perfection, he said I don’t believe in God, I am athiest, it’s a damn shame that you fall for an invisible man in the sky, I said you’re right, I do believe in Christ, and its funny you complain about Him being invisible, but your Blackhasn’t questioned oxygen one ***ing minute of your life, he says I am a professional chef, I cook up the best, you should see the reactions of my sauteed shrimp, steamed broccoli and duck breasts, I said cool, I’m glad you’re good with food, I am an artist, a spoken word artist, and I’ve dealt with those talking mess about me but are too chicken to say it face to face, and the ones who’ve had beef I’m turned em into vegetables on stage, now that’s a five course meal for you ass, he said haha, that’s nice, but I grew up with lots of cash, went to the best schools and graduated top of my class, a PhD from Lehigh and member of Tau Beta Phi, I said boy bye, I grew up in the bricks, my teachers wasn’t , but I graduated from the school of hard knocks, pledging Broke Phi Broke, cause a brother ain’t have it, then, the police came and shot us both, cause they ain’t see differences, they only saw s


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LP45 says:

Wow. Deep story JoeMac. So many differences yet just the same. Thank you for sharing this.

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