2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 327200
contest winner 5
contest winner
lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Tax Season



Views: 389

Time  cops,  passing  periods, punctually reappearing

Fear monger  or  just  in  feelings, seeing numbers revealing

Some  hunker,  others  cower,  at sound sirens reflect plight all  over

This  light,  oh  how  precious,  is  delight, grazing outside by insight

Hoping  for  divine power  authorities,  to forgive  delinquencies

Working  hard in thought,  first  responders,  pray to  God, for  get back

Atheist  at  odds,  payback is a , weighting on tax checks

Supplication by  way  of  spiritual  applications applied to form

In  comes’  the  audit,  as  past years  are  scrutinized purview

He said  to  she  said,  is  just  another  excuse in  telling your  story

Annals,  up  for review are those  daily planners,  now  in the rear view

What  is  done,  is  done  and  been  recorded, hindsight questions deductions

Waiting  on  something, can  be quite  haunting,  especially in expecting income

Karma  does  deliver,  in  reign,  the  summer  or  fall  to winter in  returns

So  before  I  beget,  I  must  remember  to  tally and  temper  expectations

Outcome  is  what  we  all  are  really  working  for  by  filing  daily reality checks on synapse give backs???

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Wow! Indeed; and the "Outcome" remains "taxing" of a 78 years old's payback..."temper expectations..." in the "daily reality..." Nice write, 2b2b2, Thanks for sharing. Peace and Love, mlowe.

LP45 says:

Great write 2b!

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Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

Outstanding! Just a poetic genius! I love the flow and wordplay on this my beloved brother!

wordsMAKEus says:


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