mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 783000
contest winner 8
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Allegorically Speaking...



Views: 332



As the nose in the center

of the face so is the inevitability

that the sun shall rise

and set; the moon will wax

and wane, and the sky remains.

Such are the realities for those

who have lived and suffered the atrocities

of life that nature releases—thus,

it’s useless to fear that which is inevitable—

As sure as the nose in the center

of the face, it is inevitable that death

will come in life; therefore live life

to the fullest each and every day and night.

Indeed, the gospel of life begins with birth

and ends with death, but as there is no evidence

that birth is inevitable, but there is no shadow

of doubt with respect to the inevitability of death.

As we in life walk in the shadows of death,

we need not have fear of any evil; for all have been given

the blessing of timed life from birth to inevitable death.

Taking the old axiom to heart—with its various allegorical

message to be discerned—let us strive each and every day

to live it as if it is the last day/night of our life.

There is no need to invite or usher in inevitable death;

to do so is an evil transgression against the blessing of life.

Finally, let us know this, as sure as the nose in the center

of the face, the Passover too has proven inevitability.

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Bingo... truth... center shot
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, Charles2. Was sitting down with the news echoing in the backcourt of my mind when this was thrown at me; jumped up and took the shot! Peace and Love, mlowe5

Karma says:

I Believe We Needed this Poem of Truth. Thank You Poet for the Reminder of Life, and the Encouragement to Live on, in Spite of. Great Piece!
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed, Karma. " Spite of..." each day perpendicular to the ground is a blessing and we should it in thanksgiving and not engage in what our Elders would call "foolishness"! Peace and Love. Oh, by the way my adult daughter's first name is Karma. Again be safe, mlowe5

RonnieL says:

Standing O!!!!!! Truth and uplifting write! RonnieL

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, RonnieL. Much appreciated. Thanks for the inspiration you continue to give in your writing and feedback. Peace and Love, mlowe5
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Many thanks, love_supreme. As always, much appreciated. I am so grateful and humbled by your undying support and inspiration. Peace and Love.

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