The Cunning Linguist | Poetry Vibe
The Cunning Linguist
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 13800
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lightness in the dark
For every beautiful woman that you see somewhere, somewhere there's a man who's tired of looking at her.

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Daddy's Little Girl



Views: 168

February 21st, 2003 the year, I almost shed a tear that very night you first appeared,
and every since I saw you Tia, you have been the one, my heart's been filled with you, my moon, my star, my shining sun.

I haven't been the bestest dad but God I surely try, on wings of love I fly, without you, I would surely die,
cause you stand front and center up in Daddy's little world, I call you "Stinky Faces" cause you're Daddy's little girl.

Your birthday's coming up, it seems that time just really flies, I love explaining things to you, the look inside your eyes,
is one of understanding, you're so smart and I'm so proud, I think of you and clouds just dissipate from all around.

I'm guiding you to live life right, that's all it is with me, your job will not define you, Esqire or Mickey Ds,
no matter if you're rich or poor my love will stay the same, it's on that higher plain like where the mountains meet the rain.

My precious little angel, numerous demands you meet, act up I'll tan that seat, you have your Daddy's hands and feet,
and when we hug our noses meet, that's just a thing we do, we laugh and we have fun when we're together me and you.

It's safe to say I love you even more than my own self, to save your life I'd walk with open arms to my own death,
I rue the day you bring some young'n in through my front door, that's just the way a Daddy feels, we all want something more,

for all our little girls, we want a man who'll treat you right, no question you're the greatest thing that's happened in my life,
it'll look as though I'm giving you away come wedding day, but even when you're old and gray my little girl you'll stay.

I'm here for you through thick and thin, we'll have our kicks and grins, we'll prob'ly fight and argue but we'll be in thick again,
you're worth a whole lot more than all the diamonds in the world, you're 9 years old this birthday still, you're Daddy's little girl.



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