Nicole_thepoet | Poetry Vibe
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grounded to stay afloat.

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When Creativity Sparks


Views: 621
Creativity is allowing the mind to be free Set your mind free from being a prisoner Then you'll find yourself in the midst of creativity It'll spark a flame Make you feel like your going insane But when you've come to terms with getting to know oneself It heightens your crazy But expands your pineal glands Be free young ones I'll pass the torch to you Illuminate the earth with your mind Let your voice be heard Let your truth be spoken Don't hide in fear You have a gift people need to hear Your words matter Your words can heal Your words have power It can mend the broken We are destined to find ourselves in the midst of chaosBecause there is when we'll find peace By centering ourselves. Let your light shine Find your gift Be creative Pass the torch Continue to uplift Peace, Love, Light and Poetry 4/6/2020 @nicole_thepoet

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

WOW! Nicole this is a poem that should go viral, there is nothing more peaceful than the eye of a storm best believe I'm going to sing my song until all the lyrics are gone.

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Nicole_thepoet says:

Thanks friend @thepoetwize let's make it go viral. I have snippets on my Instagram N twitter

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Nicole_thepoet says:

Thanks friend @thepoetwize let's make it go viral. I have snippets on my Instagram N twitter under my name

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Karma says:

I Love the Encouraging Message of this Poem. I Was Told, "Writers, Write!" You've Bestowed Vision Upon the Next Generation of Poets. Great Poem!

JustGreylon says:

Great write! Encouraged my creativity even further.

Nicole_thepoet says:

Let's make thia go viral

Nicole_thepoet says:

Let's make this go viral
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Nicole_thepoet, thanks for sharing this profoundly beautiful pen. May your young pregnant poetic mind continue to birth forth and bloosom poetic truths. Peace and Love, mlowe5.

agirlandhertypewriter says:

Great poem Nicole_thepoet!!!! Shine your light! ;-)
Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

Great work Nicole! Keep up the great work...

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