Did'nt mean no harm
By all the smooth talking and charm
Did'nt mean no harm
By the soun of the world in alarm
Did'nt mean no harm
The rosster rooting on the neighbor'sfarm
Did'nt mean no harm
Stop your crying and try to remain calm
![]() Squirt12
Did'nt mean no harm
By all the smooth talking and charm
Did'nt mean no harm
By the soun of the world in alarm
Did'nt mean no harm
The rosster rooting on the neighbor'sfarm
Did'nt mean no harm
Stop your crying and try to remain calm
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Did'nt mean no harmDid'nt mean no harm By all the smooth talking and charm Did'nt mean no harm By the soun of the world in alarm Did'nt mean no harm The rosster rooting on the neighbor'sfarm Did'nt mean no harm Stop your crying and try to remain calm |
in a minutein a minute life can change It is not quarantee that things will remain the same one minute you are up one minute you are down this world we live in is like a merry go-round one minute you want cry one minute you will smile If we can have joy,peace and happiness just for a little while in a minute you are here in a minute you are gone no matter what we must contine to hold on |
Down LowDown low You really thought noone would know You try so hard to act like a man Your give away by flowing of your hands Trying to fool me to many of times But you must have lost your mind If you don't want to be real with noone else Be true to yourself!!!
Word'sCan be devistating sometimes Can make you change your mind Can come out the wrong way Be careful of what you say Can speak lie,can speak truth Sometimes you will say what is the use Can lift you up or tear you down While making you smile or mke you frown Are very powerful whether we really understand They can break any woman or man WORDS!!! |
IamIam more than a conquerer I can and will endure Iam pursuaded this to shall past Because God trouble will not always last Iam healed in Jesus name Because of his touch Iam not the same Iam walking by faith not by sight Believing everything is alright Iam redeemed by the bllod of Jesus In whom I trust Iam a child of the most high In him I shall live and not die Iam the head not the tail My goal is heaven not Hell Iam who God say's Iam!!!
CopeCope is not in that bootle of wine It only changes the thoughts in my Cope is not in that last fix Beacuse I wabt to give up and quit Cope is how I handle the situation Peopl are going through all over the nation Cope is not throwing in the towel We must realize it will only last a litt while Cope can make you amd sometimes If I or we be honest it is all in our state of mind |
ReliefR- Rest is what everyone is seeking right now E- Encouraging words should be coming out of our mouths L-Life is so unpredictible in this day and time I-Insecurities going on in your mind E- Evilness and cruelty is happening all around us F- Fear is blocking our trust
Sister to SisterSister to sister we should love no matter the situation Spread it abroad all over the nation Sister to sister will be there in time of need Don't mind doing any form of good deeds Sister to sister should stick like glue And know that God will carry us through Sister to sister let's continue to come together IN good and stormy weather Sister to sister join hands and pray That in Jesus name wil make it from day to day |
DeathDeath is truly a reality have no doubt It is a touchy subject to think about Death can bring fear to our hearts Especially when you are all alone in the dark Death can happen in many forms or ways It's happening before our eyes each and every day It's a serious matter not a game When it hit causing a lot of hurt and pain It don't care about your race, education or creed It is prevelant you will agree Death is real I tell you no lie For in God's word it is Appointed for us all to die |
JusticeJustice can be very unfair you see That affects you as well as me Justice you say is guiltyas charge, not always the case Sometimes it is the color of your skin in any race Justice seens to be my satus I hold in life Without finding out if Iam wrong or right Justice can be who or what I know Instead of the evidence they show Justice can be cruel and evil a lot of times Whether you did or didn't do the crime |