there are no vacancies there are no guarantees
to immune us to this disease call in the wind
bend the tree's spare the leaves juice the fruit
pour out the lean drink some green block out
the gangrene pull them pants up stand up straight
no gangsta lean self destruction is like setting
fire to gasoline smile while you can it's getting
mean like it was when Till was killed it's getting
real ugly out here it's hard to tell from in there
come out come out get some air if you fear
grow a pair it's been long enough to grow
some hair strengthen the follicles oil is how
it grows judge not be not judged chosen
Hebrews wear robes only the strong survive
the trial of Job do what you can to stay alive
even if it means staying inside if you see
the sign you know we're not alone hold
on believe it won't be long before we're home safe