mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 783000
contest winner 8
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Views: 264



The truth was revealed…

He knew of Covid-19;

Lying Devil’s son…


She gave fair warning,

Arrogance ignored her name;



It’s 2020

Confirmation was last year;

Named, Covid-19


You lying bastard,

Name given…Covid-19

You smirked at her name…


She, Covid-19,

Announced that she was coming;

You said, “no way……”


It’s 2020

Confirmation was last year;

Named, Covid-19


We rebuke your lie,

Truth was in her given name;

Miss Covid-19…


It’s 2020…

Covid-19 arrived last year;

You kept her secret…


Pandemic lying,

Testing November’s waters;

Truth’s tidal wave waits…


Sick pea- brained fool…

Scared mean-spirited coward;

Meet lion-hearted truth…


It’s 2020…

Confirmation was last year;

Named, Covid-19


2019 came;

Left dirty baggage behind

A Pandora box…


We will remember,

You ignored Pandora’s box;

We will not forget…


It’s 2020…

Confirmation was last year;

Named, Covid-19…


Pandora’s anger,

Idiot’s audacity;



It’s 2020

Confirmation was last year;

Named, Covid-19



Retribution is coming;

God is on the throne…

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LP45 says:

All truth! Thank you for sharing this eye opening piece Mlowe5. Peace.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, LP45. The truth will unveil a lie every time! Peace and Love, M. Lowe

Blakmista says:

Thanks so much. Tell it as it is always mlowe5. Much love...
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, Blakmista. This was written about 3 months ago; and it seems that little, if any thing, have changed respect to the Covid virus. While we continue to maintain focus of the liberation struggle, we must continue to maintain our physical health. We will get through this other "middle passage" journey! Peace and Love, mlowe5

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

And they said it was no big deal! Look at where we are now! Many, many, many thanks, love_supreme. Peace and Love.

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