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lightness in the dark
I love the skin i am in.

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Must Read!! Answer at the end.



Views: 301

He jumps on a plane ✈️ to come see you(Nothing new). He miss your smile, your goofy personality, your soft touches to the face. The way you kiss him on the forehead. Never had any sexual experiences with one another(just friends).He expresses his love he has for you. Him: I was laying in bed. Woke up to this chick I just smashed (he has a beautiful house in L.A)All of a sudden you popped up in my head. I thought about the late night advices you give me, the way you cheered me on at my games. Funny how you only came to two games and that was when you took a trip to New Orleans, but I’ve always wanted you to be there. The looks you be having on your face when I hit the court🤗😊😍I can’t lie you be looking good as hell.The way you wait on me when I come to your city. We have this little thing where I bring you a bag of chips and a orange juice.The way you be sitting on the steps around the corner from your condo waiting on me(I just be wanting to pick your short self up and release all these kisses on your pretty face)That was our little spot. You be looking so beautiful, so innocent. I’ve waited 2years to say this. I’ve loved you the day I met you. I knew you wanted more than friendship, but I couldn’t give it to you. I was playing ball, I was building a business and females was coming at me from left to right because I was that guy. I’m a man I couldn’t resist. All that doesn’t matter anymore. I want you!! You’re enough. You’re all I need. I love you!! I’ve always loved you and I know you love me too. This man is everything you’ve been looking for. Your chemistry is aligned. He’s attractive, smart etc.. you tell him that you took interest in another man.He tells you I don’t care I’m going to fight for you. The other man you took interest in you care about. You haven’t been knowing each other too long. You have this strong urge to protect him, guide him, make him better. He’s not your typical guy you would go for, but you feel deeply in your heart he’s the one that’s why you stayed. He hasn’t fully expressed his love for you, but your heart says wait on him. Give him time.

Based on this story what guy you think she should

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Karma says:

Always Follow Your Heart! She Should Choose the One that Makes Her Heart Respond.

poeticsoul says:

She she should the one that connects with her, the one shes loved and longed for. The one who has her heart

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