1ldvirtue | Poetry Vibe
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Souls entertwined



Views: 176
Put my face next to yours, get lost in my baby browns, play with rainbows, float like clouds, listen to slow jams, rhythms combined, life without obstacles, as two souls collide, and ride out a moment born to change life's,  These words thought out, touches that can't be forgotten, a minds eye risen out pass lust, sexual tension, did I mention the moment we com-bust,  Flowing in ecstasy, promises like rain, wanting another until two go insane, brains connect by more then just lust, minds collected where there is failure to not trust, anticipating casual connections where passions the boss, where calling is simply the nature of us, you keep losing me in the masses of boxes displayed, the rose colored glasses that haunt the corners of this page, Hopeless, endless spirits a wait, desiring to touch, while craving that day where with ease in there mind your voice seem whole, but it takes two they fail to realize to reach that goal, A race to the end and then we push and we pull, but the mind of the man, is his greatest tool, so while body may stop you, it is the mind that will shine an original man, yes he is one of a kind, so you can compete with my body, yet never with my soul, because it not my purpose to engage his body or to posse his mind, my goal, truly my desire is to connect with his soul, a connection un-broken, not purposely made, it was something that just transpired that moment two spirits engaged, Engaged in words, in rhythm and also in mind, beware you can't compete because there is no greater high then to entwine with another, and as long as there is an I in the we, it is the unknown that will keep your eye on me,

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Karma says:

Excellently Written and Wildly Romantic! Good Poem!

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