mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Onward Struggling Soldier



Views: 306



Now, another detour in the struggle,

The road was never ever a straight way;

We’ve never had a day without trouble.


Most days proved to be really terrible,

Accept when the fair had colored folks day;

But the entrance fee was often double.


Around white folks, you had to be humble,

Always biting your tongue in what you say;

Saying the wrong word, meant real big trouble.


“Whites only” was always acceptable,

And blacks and whites never got the same pay;

Blacks last hired…first fired; inevitable.


Yet, our courage proved unshakeable,

No longer would we live our lives that way;

No more would we be undeniable.


Thus, do not waver in today’s struggle;

Remain on God’s battlefield every day.

Let your hope and faith prove invincible;

He has never failed us when in trouble.

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LP45 says:

Absolutely true, and He never will. Our predecessors didn't give in then and we shouldn't give in now. Thanks for sharing this Mlowe5.

Karma says:

In Poetry, I Don't Get the Chance to See Many Villanelle's Written Anymore. But this One was Well Written, Poignant in Thought, and Relevant. Excellent Write Poet.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks. True indeed, and I say again, we must not be guilty of doing less with more; insulting our Ancestors who did more with less. Peace and Love, M. Lowe.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Wow, Karma! Once again, you both please and honor me. You got the message and the style of this work. The other night (acutally it was in the wee hours of the early morning) I had difficulty getting to sleep. Too much on the mind. For some reason, my mind floated back over Dylan Thomas and his famous Villanelle, "Do not go gentle into that good night". With my mind on ourstory's journey over the years--and this present pandemic with the devils fool--i jumped up and started to write what was on my mind in the resulting Villanelle. As I have said so many times, our Ancestors did more with less; let us not be guilty of doing less with more. Many thanks and much appreciation for you continuous inspirational feedback. Peace and Love, M. Lowe.

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mlowe5 says:

Forward ever; backward never and forever on the Battlefield of the Lord. Thanks, love_supreme. Peace and Love.

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