As we stand before the altar
of the simplicity of the soul,
eating the bread of knowledge
and drinking the blood of wisdom,
may we be ever filled with
divine awareness and guidance.
May we never again hunger
from the lack of enlightenment
or thirst for the lack of truth—both
prepared before us from their cisterns
thereof—baptizing our life’s integrity
and anointing us with righteous purpose.
Let us no longer wander in the valley
of confusions, murmuring against
the challenging purpose of our being;
for we are as the precious stones—living
breastplates of the Motherland’s bosom
sagging and dripping with the milk of hope.
Thus, be not deceived by the bleaching lies
flowing from the fiery mouth of the devil’s one,
but forever be guided by the burning bush of truth
flaming with her daily revelations to the wise; and
with ears, hear and understand the words sparking
from the mouth of him with the devil’s eyes masked.
No, the present pandemonium is not the storied
Armageddon— as was not slavery—yet, like slavery,
its death toll and collateral damages are as devastating
to the seemingly coming extinction of present inhumanity
as was in the day of Noah. And like Noah, we too need to be
about the business of making preparations now for what is ahead.
Indeed, let us discern and learn the allegorical lessons embedded
in the present pandemonium and its rising flood on today’s humanity.
While today’s unseen collateral damages shall become former past things,
our liberation struggle will still remain as present as it is now and has been.
Thus, let our Ark be filled with the arsenals of new strategies to be disembarked
as the flooding curve flattens to ground level and the November dove is seen above.