eyes on me what you trying to see
been the same since 63 raised by
those 33rd degrees learned early
how to throw them bees been overseas
sailed across the 7 seas kneeling
at the wall praying on knees
never seen grains of sand like these
asked mama can I dread up please
she looked at me strongly said
she don't care since then took
a lot of care of every string
don't wanna come out the house
looking like Wayne by the head
older I get more I'm lit why don't
I quit cooking grits ain't quick
it's death in spit like hot liquid
I had licorice before still don't know
what it taste like it don't taste right
like why they still make fruitcake
got to keep it real stick to my roots
can't fake I asked for more time
what was heard was more rhyme
for heaven sake who am I to not
take advantage of a mistake
like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
something good can come from
a mess up so many times I
messed up lead to so many
breakups seen many times
without they makeup mix
with water and shake it up
it comes in a powder form
for those who don't know
how to make love from scratch
having way too much fun on this
page wit this type of melanin
at this stage of the game its too tough to crack