DeleDivine | Poetry Vibe
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Hurricane Sandy



Views: 1100

Sandy the Hurricane,

was insane,

She stripped the frames off the window panes,

Flooded houses and streets with water from heavy rain,

Power lines went down cause they sparked into flames,

Sirens ringing all night from flashing police cars in emergency lanes,

Trees uprooted from the base,

Branches and leaves scattered everywhere like waste,

New York City looks like a whole different place,

Now we must face,

the amount of time it will take,

to make the scene,

of our city safe and clean,

so we can continue our daily ROUTINES!!!!!


Copyright © 2012, by Adele S. Williams

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DallasCowgirl says:

Very nice capture! Thanks for sharing.

Contest Winner  

kingqadardwon' says:

Perfect capture. Visuals on point. Thanks for the share!

LP45 says:

Great write DeleDivine. Sandy wasn't no joke. Jersey felt her wrath as well. Thanks for sharing.
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Hurricanes, like real beasts... unpredictably vicious. Bahamas ...had a real devil, 44 hours of category 5 185-225 mph winds... two days of pure HELL. that will be a story to explore into the telling
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

itian refugees

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