DeleDivine | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 1032

Some little  children and teens,

can't wait for Halloween,

so they can dress like ghouls with guillotines,

Super heroes, witches and fairy queens,

Cut pumpkins out totally clean,

to look like jack-o-lanterns that light up  and gleam,

Watching scary movies like 'Scream,'

Gathering up sweets,

from their trick or treats,

but BEWARE of some behind the masks,

who want to reenact some evil acts,

They're on a mission and will carry it out to the max,

This is their day to hunt prey,

so please don't relax,

Stay alert and be ready if they try to ATTACK!!!!!


Copyright © 2012, by Adele S. Williams


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royale Jones says:

Cautionary tale nice piece
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Nice! And just think, this day probably had its origin "twisted- out" of the many cultural ceremonies relating to time set aside to honour the dead. Now, it's a day of retail and social wickedness. Thanks for the share. Peace and Love.

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