*** I look like?!
see, you have me painted wrong
In your web of decpetion and lies.
That have demonized my image,
And tainted my authentic disguise.
When really,
Your plots and schemes are rooted
From an ancient despise.
I see your hidden shadows
Because you wear the darkness of your heart
Boldly on your sleeves.
Liars, murderers, robbers and thieves.
The discovery of my worth,
Was the lost treasure that has been found.
Though you wish, that I was a secret treasure,
That remained buried in the ground.
But in reality,
I'm like the black stone that the builders rejected.
But the golden onyx that's been stolen and selected.
for your greed, perverted lust and
Sick twisted fantasies.
With all of your natural born calamaties
That's been projected upon the
Blood Diamond.
But the blood has been left in the ruddy sands.
And you continue to spill blood across the land.
Because them that have cast the first stone,
Has hidden their hands.
Yet they still, haven't been able to wash away
The guilt of slaughter, that stains them.
I... am... a Blood Diamond...
-Jen'uwin Mor