jwins | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 262

I heard a rumor in the air.

Whether true, or false... I don't know.

But this rumor ruffled the feathers of broken winged birds.

And we all know that birds of a feather, flock together.

But let me digress...

Anyways... rumor has it

That the melanated people, are the untouchables to the COVID.

Now, I'm not implying that this rumor is an actual fact.

But such a rumor,

Has disturbed the conscience of the world...

Such a rumor,

Must've become like haunting echoes in their ears.

Taunting their sensitivites into a hatred rage of lies.

Even while in the middle of a created crisis,

The "world" has somehow, once again managed

To have targeted a particular people.

By making them the center of their deceptions,

Creating strong delusions.

Amongst the masses of the dumb and gullible.

This "PLANDAMIC" has become just another form

Of an attack.

Upon the so called black race of people.

And as always, we must remain soldier against 

Their wicked plots and schemes.

So, explain to me this; world wide geniuses

Or should I say... MASTERS OF ILLUSIONS.

How is it, that a virus that started in a Wuhan China,

Killing thousands.

That spread across the world, reaching Italy.

That surpassed the deaths as that in China.

Which then continued to spread to countless of 

European contries.

Including other Asian and latin countries.

Taking the lives of many by the dozens.

How then, when the virus reached the land of 


COVID-19 became Blackfaced?

Attention world!!!

The time is way passed due, that you rise above the level

Of your typical ignorance of prejudices.

Spreading your propagandas of bias ideologies,

Along with your false statistics.

Ufortunately, an even deadlier disease, more vicious

Than COVID19,

Are the insanities of the people that created it.

When the narrators are the very people that despises you.

Death will forever spew from thier forked tongues

Upon you...


-Jen'uwin Mor




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The Immortal Wize says:


poems by this commentor

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Coalhouse says:


jwins says:

Thank you so much brothers!
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mlowe5 says:

ONE! Disparity does not lie. And though death does not discriminate, it has been proven both in history and ourstory, that its course can be detoured to the hued. Thanks for the share, mlowe5.

LP45 says:

I agree with every line jwins."Plandemic" is spot on! My piece "Experi Mental Design" mirrors this very subject. Thank you for sharing this awesome write. Peace and blessings.

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