jwins | Poetry Vibe
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The Great Awakening



Views: 254

The awakening

Has enticed anger to arise!

The sleeping giant

Is no more bewitched with slumber.

And their eyes are no longer scaled.

They have heeded the sounds of the trumpets.

The great awakening has commenced!

The scattered are now being gathered

And prepared for war.

With their swords in their fists,

And the breastplate of righteousness

Upon their chest.

And while their hearts are set ablazed,

Their enemies are burning with fear.

A fear that arouses their demonic rage.

But who can destroy warriors of the chosen?

The Great I AM, has placed his mark upon them.

Though the blood of the righteous has been spilled,

Through the eyes of the wicked,

They see their afflictions as inevitable deaths.

A laughing stock of walking graves.

And yet, they still crave for more genecide.

But even in the midst of slaughter,


The earth has been shaken.

And the nations fear of an uprising.

They should begin to hope

That the spirit of Prophet Turner,

Do not posses them that have risen,

In the Great Awakening...

-Jen'uwin Mor

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mrmelody7 says:

Nice to hear and read the voice of a Black Leader enjoy the richness of your creations words that resonate withe Soul and Spirited many are called few are chosen you are the exception
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mlowe5 says:

A profound poetic trumpeting of the rattling of the Valley of Dry Bones messaging the children of the Ancestors. May the spirit of you pregnant poetic mind continue to trumpet such soul stirring awareness.Thanks for the share, Jen'uwin Mor. Peace and Love, mlowe5.

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