Warm embrace …and passionate kisses…
A man cannot resist…
Thoughts …vanish… between us…
Our bodies ...sing...
our spirits ...levitate...
As our dance… ensues…
Amidst the pleasure of the moment…
Our destiny
…its distant calling…
Lights a path …
We have no recourse, but follow…
Then, too…
There’s …you…
Eyes which light ...in the dark surroundings...
Pull the core of my heart
...thus inclined...
Lit, by the candlelight...
Speaking …with an angelic voice…
Capture the moment...
Focused by the most beautiful mind…
Bring meaning filled …expressions…
Bend space …and time…
Seems, our dreams
Meet our memories
Reaching through our souls
Find our hearts, eager…
Able… willing...
To ..endure...
What treasures…
We create, expressions...
Purely ...of loving...
We are the next wave
In the flow
Of the foundation/promise…
Of the creators wish...
Feelings …beyond words…
Carry weight of unborn generations
Just as surely, as
...the rains fall...
Stir…in thy womb…
Of unfolding creation…
Feeling an instantaneous connection…
Nights… with you…
Alter my perception
...of life...