Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 182400
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  double ruby
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Views: 267

Some where

On the road …to oblivion…

All life forms …are mathemetized…

Where wizards dread …to tread…

For fear of …the living dead…

Between …where the day …endz

And night …beginnnzzggg…

When time and space…

Are suspended…

And all hope…

Turns inward…

As a shield

against the darkness

…within us all…


All souls

Spontaneously exist… in a

Simultaneous  spin drift…

In freefall…

Twilight calls…

In echoes… of heartfelt


Written …in…

 Teardrop sines…


Dropping from the heavens

Sending ripples through the skies

Evil things… lurk…

Snarling at each other, in shear delight…  

Vying… for dominance, continuously  

Battling for the least traces

Of dried blood

From some hapless victim

Mercilessly slaughtered…

From evil thoughts…

Becoming… evil minds…

Practitioners of dark art…

Seek to unseat only the best

Heroes and sheroes 

Delight in devouring the unborn

Braggarts …by nature…   

Vicious liars… all

Abruptly stir …to life

Venturing forth deliberately  

Into the night …stalking…

The innocent, fearful… and unwary

…since when…

The seven worlds …were born…



From whence… immortal realms

Of space …and time …first began…

The enemy… gathering in the darkness

Here …between… within our minds…

Seeks …to weaken our true hearts

Shatter our natural affinity

…for …righteousness

Disassociate us…

And end… our protective

Spirituality and alliances  

Making …all our odds, even…

Squaring …all circles…

And making instantaneous

Conversions of pyramids…

To spheroids…

Lest we unite… as always

To allow …Good…

To triumph…

Over Evil










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mrmelody7 says:

Always enjoy the different sides of your work you go from Romeo and Juliet to Rod sterling to Charles ens to Buck Rodgers always interesting reading U

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2b2b2 says:

Tight Call to Truth for the Dutiful...and I wake up call for further consideration...nice outlay...thanks for sharing...ONE

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Charles2 says:

Further within our eternal quest... we live to be reborn, led to a task we can not accomplish... either alone ...or in a single lifetime, thus we continue through our progeny...

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mlowe5 says:

Indeed, "...least we unite..." Out of the night comes more enlightening from such a Seer as you, my Brother, C2. Thanks for the share. Peace and Love, M. Lowe.
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Charles2 says:

I am honored to find audience with my poetic brothermen. In times like this... where ..are... we... if we do not examine our course of choices... in light of the vapor trails of our predecessors

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