The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


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lightness in the dark
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Feeling It All



Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 258

she never had to tell me she loved me
love was in how she looked at me
how she talked to me in the words
she spoke to me in cards and letters
she wrote to me gifts I still have gifts
she gave to me reminiscing on how we
met the day she came to me things
she made me feel before we even
touched then I didn't know it took
time to realize why she had to go
I should have met her that day for
lunch but I was too busy feeling
crushed the news came and broke
me making it hard not to fall apart
what was I supposed to tell my heart


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LP45 says:

The pain of a loved one lost is a pain forever known. Thank you for sharing this heartfelt piece.

LP45 says:

The pain of a loved one lost is a pain forever known. Thank you for sharing this heartfelt piece.

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mlowe5 says:

My Brother Poet Wize, I am "feeling it all" with you. L:ast week I lost a dear friend and Brother of 57 years. He called and left me a mesage two days before he died. Hs message remains on my phone and my message back to him remains on his. Though I navels are keloids for diffenrent parents, were are always ONE. Though we both traveled the world, we were never but a phone call, a drive or flight away when one needed the other. Now we communicate through the Father's spiritual connection. Thanks for the share. i needed this. And God made it so. Thankd you, my Brother. Peace and Love, M. Lowe

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