Tiny | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
i miss writing and i miss being on here but its like i've lost my independence and im just trying to find my way back

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just different

Views: 422

Being touched, excuse me raped was not something I chose,
But it was me that it happened to even though I opposed
Opposed you tearing me and stealing my childhood
Now when they look at me I'm the one that's misunderstood
Tossed, kicked, and shoved
I was the one unwillingly taken advantage of
Funny story now is I can't even define the word love
And because of you I don't know if I'm going down below or up above
With these intense thoughts of rage
I was the one who wasn't saved
From the pain
From the aching pain
That bleeds from my vains
I'm the one going insane
While u go and wash off leaving me in the rain
To get drained
In my tears,
And sad to say I'm the one that lives in fear
Fear of regretting never murdering your heart
The same way you tore me apart
And left me in the darkness of that thunder
I wanna watch you get murdered in your slumber.

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Contest Winner  

chispoken says:

forgiveness is a powerful weapon. Great reflection, however.

love_supreme says:

Nothing in the world that I can say that would change this. Always remember that you are someone special.

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Contest Winner  

DeleDivine says:

Stay strong!! I know how you feel. I wrote about it too. It's an experience that no one can understand unless they have been through it. I feel you mama!! Those heathens will pay~ trust me!!.:)

lyrical lyfe says:

Wonderful poem lady :) I too have experienced this act of selfishness , and i must say WHAT DOES NOT KILL YOU MAKES YOU STRONGER !!! Keep Standing !!

poems by this commentor


tiny says:

thank you very much :) strength is always key along with my smile

DallasCowgirl says:

So real. Thanks for sharing this

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