Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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Views: 290

Ancient times …so long ago

That when the wind

Whispered to the water 

in winter

It was in its infancy 

…had not yet mastered

The magic of turning dew drop ...into flake snow

Fore father and before mother were just children

And played as children often do

Imagining what they’d do when they grew more

As a boy before father was content to run like the wind

Not caring for such things

As walks thru the woods …and tilling the land

Looked down on before mothers love

…for quiet walks …and talks of the future

Standing real close

While looking in each other’s eyes

…and holding hands

Looking at the stars meant more to him

Something to master

Says he “someday

I will steal one from the sky

Make fire and make all before it

See fear …and run for their lives

And put it above the clouds

…to make the rain fly

Had he known then

…what we know now

He’d have had a forewarning

…the coming disaster

Sky father being wise …above all things

Knew the one sole answer

To make his son see beyond what is

Made him a bow of lemonwood …arrows of cedar

With strings fashioned from feathers from the eagle

And the arrowhead obsidian

Tied an arrow to the tail and let it fly

Pulled down a star …hung it in the sky

…then let it go


Before mother had a gift of love

For all living things

Took the fire from the sky

…warmed a pot

Of fresh beans  


filled bellies, shine

a heavenly glow









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Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

Outstanding write! Beautifully penned!
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thank you, Kingqadarwon

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mrmelody7 says:

Very nicely put together ditto King Q

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Cook on, my Brother! Cook on. Thanks for sharing such beautiful sharing words. Powerful images! Profound thoughts! Peace and Love, mlowe5

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thank you, kindly, mrmelody7, mlowe5...

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