Father's Day everyday, father's friends confidants. All rolled into one free stlye, I am the bi product of a love child, nevertheless living a life where more is less, the world has us desiring more when we already have the best. Best friends best parents best moments best children, at the least for us for growth in those moments, we blossom, bloom, shine, shimmer, shake, we become what's in tended, how we become great, great parents great friends, great siblings spouses, employees and selves, how we acquire fortitude to reach for the best no matter the height of the shelf, we think in that time that we feel broken we are born again, but it is in the reinvented minds of the father we hold out till the end, choice rejoices freestyle the love child that pushed adversity to the test because father showed her how, how to beat odds, overcome push back and walk on, inspite of the circumstance, and she is still standing strong, a wall, each a brick represents lessons learned, one more moment that love appears to be earned, you earned this moment,