![]() Ms.PoeticPassion
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Random thoughts...Help!!!!!! I feel like I'm losing my mind. So much is happening. I feel like I can't breathe. My heart is numb... Put on ice-COLDHEARTED@ Love don't live here anymore! I'm ready to escape. I pray and I pray. I ask for signs and I know he has sent plenty. I just keep putting everything to another day. Another time. I must listen! I sit in silence trying my best to LISTEN. I'm so lost....I'm so lost. I'm not sure if what I'm writing is making sense! I just WANT ME BACK! I want to write of happy thoughts that make you smile. Pray for me. Heal Elevate Love Pray |
I need somebody to understand me. From the the tip of my hair follicle To the tip of my toenail. Read me. From left to right Right to left Backwards and upside down. Understand me No need to ask me Know me Down with me Good times Bad times Cry with me Console me Hold me tightly Fight for me Fight with me against our enemies Pray with me Spend an endless day with me Smile with me Don't lie to me Be honest with me Understand ME. Beyond the looks that you see. Motivate me Inspire me Become one with me. I don't think I'm asking for TOO MUCH. I just want a STRONG! FIRM! LOVING! Hold on my intellectual Inner Being. Let me be me... Let my rhythms and rhymes hypnotize yoooooouuuuu~~~~~~ Become one with you ... |
Random ThoughtsSometimes my mind goes astray I don't know whether to go or stay. Hurt suffocated my heart's breathing. It doesn't beat the same anymore. Suffocated by lies. I can't think anymore. A deep dull feeling in my soul. My chest hurts from trying to bring my breathing back to normal. Gasping for air. A gut wrenching feeling. Like LOVE diving off the high mountain tops of my heart. Falling and falling and falling and falling.... A never ending fall. No where to land. Nobody to catch me. Loss Of Valuable Energy. What's LOVE? |
Far AwayIM READY! Take me to a place far away from here. No where near here. Far away. Where nobody knows my name. I don’t wanna be the same. I don’t want fame. I just don’t want to be shame. I’M READY! Ready to escape to a place where the sun always shine. The wind kissing my skin. The sun embracing my being. Grass tickling my toes. Butterflies land on my nose. A place where I can be me. A place far away from here. No where near here. Far Away
KEEP TELLING LIESI finally saw with my eyes, you were telling me lies. I saw how you looked at her! I saw her sneak a look at you too! Yet I ask myself is this true? YOU Just keep Telling me lies And all the time I realized Just kePT turning my eyes to see the good in you And all along YOU werent YOU. YOU didn’t love me! Never did! I SAW IT! I SAW IT WITH MY EYES! YOU Looked at her In a way that you use to look at me Or was YOUR eyes lying to ME too? YOU Just keep telling me lies. She smiled at you and you smiled back. YOU probably even touched her hand as she gave you your change back. Head hurt. Heart hurt. Soul drained. LIE after LiE after LIE. All I can do now is sig... |
Random ThoughtsSometimes we speak words not meant to be spoken. All in our feelings Tongues drunken with words of hate and anger. Mind so corrupt . Not caring who we hurt. Gossip and spreading lies, Sometimes the words we speak are not to be spoken. Never knowing the truth of the person you are speaking to. They will take your words and twist them all around. So watch who you talk around. Better yet keep your drunken tongue of lies to yourself! |
Time MachineTIME MACHINE ME! PLEASE! Let me sit back and unwind Relax my mind Inhale----Exhale. TRANSPORT ME! BETTER YET, TIME MACHINE ME! PLEASE!!!!! PAST OR FUTURE? Take me back in time Repeat my rythms and rhymes Hug and kiss and joke with my mother (R.I.P) Have a chance too meet with my brother (R,I,P) Have a chance to be loved by my father (R.I.P) TIME MACHINE ME! PLEASE!! Take me back to the good old days Back to the innocent days.... Back to my childhood days.... Back to the days when i knew nothing of pain. Back to the days I knew nothing of sadness..... TIME MACHINE ME!!!! PLEASE!!! RIGHT NOW!!! Back to the days when I didnt have a care in this world to worry about. Take me back to the innocent days. When shopping carts were the way to get around town. ... |
Emotional Thunderstorm
I am not ME anymore I dont think like ME anymore I dont talk like ME anymore Sometimes I look in the mirror and wonder who is the lady staring back at ME. I become lost in my thoughts. I become engulfed in pain Rain down on me Wash away all my pain I am not ME anymore I dont think like ME anymore I dont talk like ME anymore Like a thief roaming in the night SOUL SNATCHED FROM MY HEART ROBBED OF MY LOVE, KINDNESS, AND AFFECTION STOLEN! My heart beat so fast trying to run from the pain. Emotional Thunderstorm! Mind and Heart at war with each other. My mind is telling me to stay. My heart is telling me to run away! Heart and feet are in sync with each other. Feet pounding to the pavement with every beat my heart makes. Running faster and faster trying to get away Trying... |
Dreaming ...Eyes Wide OpenI am not ME anymore. I look in the mirror and see a different soul. Looking into her eyes because I don't see me anymore! So this person is SHE instead of me. Jesus! Jesus!Jesus! (Tears rolling down both our faces) She's looking at me I'm looking at her "who is she?" Words that escape both our lips. Within the blink of an eye darkness surrounds me. I can't escape my body becomes filled with rage (Shouting) I-CANT-ESCAPE! I CAN'T ESCAPE THIS PRISON WITH INVISIBLE WALLS! I CAN'T ESCAPE THIS SCENERY DARKNESS AROUND ME, wIth every beat my feet make. Running trying to break free of his darkness that has imprisoned me. My heart beating fast. My body becomes weak. My feet pulled from underneath me. This darkness is pulling me in finger scraping the floor as it drags me right back to the beginning of my escape route. Again I see the scenery in my feet begin to make the same beat....Running....Running to break free of this darkness that's surrounds me. My mind telling me to run- r... |
I'm Not O.K.I AM NOT O.K.! YOU look me directly in my eyes and call me a Does nothing but make me SICKER My stomach becomes entwined with disgust and hate. You want to offer and apology....NO It's too late. I'm not O.K...... My mind, my happiness, my peace,,MY soul you stole You robbed me like a thief in the darkness of the night. I'm not sure if I should stay or take flight! NO, I'm not O.K..... Fear and Anger boils inside of me. I scream to let off steam! I cry to cool down this fire that ignites my inner being. Trying to escape into this Little black hole Away from all this hatred, brutality, racism and lies. My soul is fighting to stay alive. No, I'm not O.K.... I'm not O.K... These trees being decorated with my fellow beings of the same color as I. These streets being the playground of these RACIST cops. STOP! HANDS UP! LAY ON THE GROUND! DO NOT RESIST! DO NOT RESIST! STOP RESISTING! STOP RESISTING! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! DONT MOVE! DONT MOVE! DONT MOVE! HANDCUFF... |