My mind is like a microcosmic comet comically dropping cosmic carpentries 'Mussonic'
Auditory above sonar with frequency vibrating faster than light and sonic
I work in a world of fashion
Yet REVOLUTION to free enslaved minds is my passion
Government bashing
Political whimsical facetiously cynical tongue lashing
Stature like a hobbit
Mind is vast like space
So you can't rob it
Atomics I drop it
Not cop
And I'm not frivolous
Neither do I insanely mundanely
Inhale methane and frollick
Of my gyroscopic antigravitational spatial
Alien racial machinery
Is beyond any futuristic man made hydraulic
Lyrically transverse cinvulsion
Metaphoric soul seisures
Brain teasers
Crowd pleasers
When we dispense our combative grammatical defense without offense
We see who 'sees us'
Orbiting satelites in the third sky
Pin point my geography
And my natural mindscape geology
Through Project Monarch psychometry
Forget trigonometry
Or quantum biochemical physiology
When they instill fear
To directly 'direct me'
Infect me indirectly
Blatantly berate and disrespect me
I retrospectively
Should have done much more
But in my younger years I was instilled and filled with anger and fear
And was not correctly directed
And now they use
Networks social' Interaffiliatory programming
To force us to get hallucinatory vaccinations Into our dermatology
Screwing with our phlebotomy, biology, endocrinology and immunology
Lymphocytes in high rate
Seeking to kill off
What they sense is internal Systemically organic
Man created synthetic genetic havoc
Then they 'point at me' and claim I'm a social pathogen
Poisoning minds instilling disorder
Forcing True Patriots
To cross the watery border
For every lie they spread they get a billion
Plus a million quarter
Until they reach their desired hourly quota
Causing people panic
Street havoc
Then we riot, loot, and savagely ravage
Without The People uniting against the machine
How will we manage?!
People must think, stand up and encourage revolt
NOT to walk blindly
And insanely believe that 'you count' when you vote
Get off the boat
Jump over the mote
Break the mind control remote
The beast is what I slowly shall smote
Thus, 'Musse has spoke'
Harshly yet hardly spoken
Minds I intend to awaken as I was awoken
We must fix this world thats broken... and it ALL begins with you.
Do you still NOT know what to do?
ericmusse@copyright 2012