blakmista | Poetry Vibe
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Not Impressed C-19



Views: 219

From tornado's to restoring an old Eldorado

give and take, mercury-filled fish in the local lakes,

denial to gay people a wedding cake, to selling cheap

wooded yard rakes.

Mosquito's, rats, roaches, flies, and many scorpions,

running a hard race, this society picks only one champion.

Empty box cars, wars, 'when it rains it pours', bars,

lemonade stands, and a poor widows empty hands.

Unjust policies, telling lies, now these are a disease

allocate one million$ for everyone, can you say cheese?

I wonder where covid-19 fit in? Maybe mankind's sin

responsible for tornado alley so we may re-build again?

As children of the most high below we see ignorance

shaking in a corner as a wet cat, do I fear? not a chance.

Judas kissing, amid denial of a Black man Jesus Christ

states sick removal of kids all because of head lice.

Cold wars hot wars matters none with bedbug sores

to keeping up with the Jones' even ya' school scores.

Evaluation nation with racism, where is capitalism?

Hidden schemes, denial of peace y'all, is it the next ism?

Occupied lands in the hands of so-called businessmen

and women, branded, underhanded like they just landed.

Where did the flu go? Has it flown away? Smoked mirror

spread the dis-ease then have a remedy? Getting clearer?

Valium, Oxycodone, neighborhoods filled with 'crack'

tired from work, roads clogged up, hard getting back,

many holding street signs begging because of lack?

I'll have a glass of lemonade, then find me some shade                  sign? not needed to say I'm a proud American Black!


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Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:


jwins says:

Say what you said!

Blakmista says:

Thank you coalhouse

Blakmista says:

Thank you coalhouse

poems by this commentor


blakmista says:

thank you so much jwins. keep flowin'

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