PoEt | Poetry Vibe
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  brigadier general
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I can't escape your gravity,

 latched to me,

With a firm grip your love always catches me, 

No matter how fast I run I get nowhere,

No fair,

You know you're hard to leave,

We fight and make up just to subcumb to each others needs, 

Repeatedly as we steap into the sheets like bags of tea,

Im a prisoner to how you make me feel,

Hungry for your love inside my cell as you watch me finish my meals,

No plea deals i do my time willingly kissing you through these imaginary bars,

As we sit far away from this world alone amongst the stars, 

AlI I see is you and you I, 

And as time flys I couldn't leave you if I tried,

We're tied together in this journey as we glide,

Into outter space with your face pressed against mine,

Just two spirits never feeling more alive,

Dying to collide,

Embracing the doom of love behind locked eyes,

Before we go KABOOM ! in these hot skies.

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