jwins | Poetry Vibe
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  brigadier general
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Views: 283

My reality's full of mysteries causing many to wonder.

I may be other than ordinary

And very much peculiar to be understood.

Yet... such an astounding flaw that I've grown to embrace

In a world of indifference.

Don't be offended by my passion,

Though it's been birth through trials, errors and pain.

And don't assume that my indignation

Is a fruit of wickedness...

As a matter of fact...

Don't even attempt to figure me out.

You'll cause yourself unnecessary strain.

So just leave well enough alone.

Don't even bother me!

I'm too busy fighting for the rights of my sanity

While being trapped within this societal asylum.

Controlled by psychopaths in position of power...

Jen'uwin Mor

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

And yet, power remains in the mind, soul and belief of the beholder. Go figure. Thanks for the profound share. Peace and Love, m> Lowe

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