<3 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 222

Sometimes I don't get people in life

they kick you when you are down

and once you fall its like quick sand,

no one offers a helping hand.

The only one you seem to be able to trust is you,

peoples words they come and go you never know whats true.

You depend on no one other then yourself just to get ahead,

people will smile but there intentions are clearly read.

Why are people so fake? they never seem to give they always just take.

I refuse to live my life in bitterness and hate,

I want to smile at the smallest things and trust in fate.

If I offer a hand reach out and grab it tight,

everyone deserves respect its only right.

I will never judge anyone I meet,

I have not experienced your journey, walked with your feet.

Yes, life can be one big mess,

but if you concentrate on all the good then you've already passed your test.

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