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Chaos of Love



Views: 148

Our Chaos of Love

It is not the chaos of control in Love we prefer
It is the control that chaos brings in Love we desire
In Love we dont want control of our emotions
we desire emotional chaos
Not chaos like an angry riot
but the happiness and excitement
of emotional pandemonium
Like when one first sits and eyes
all of the Christmas presents under the tree
We dont know which to open first
and play with first
Like going through the gates of Disneyland
for the first time
and not knowing which ride to go on first
Like opening a two pound box of See's candies
and not knowing which to eat first
It is this instant of bliss that is sought
It is this craziness of raw Chaos
of not knowing which pleasure Love will bring next
When Love is right and righteous
It needs no control
We want to unleash, to release, to free our Loves
without direction, without description, without definition
No names, no labels, no predictions
We are urged and willed to our Love
not singularly, not separately
But together, as one crazy entity
It is not our destinies we seek to be together
but together to seek our single undiscovered destiny
We have no idea who or what our Love is
because our tomorrow Love
we did not know until yesterday
that we dont know who our Love was even today
It is in this Chaos of Love that I have been led to
by a Muslim Goddess and Ethiopian Queen
I fell in Love with an infinite future of chaos Love
not a closed past of Love in control
Our yesterdays were fuller than full
and happier than happy
and our tomorrows are greeted and welcomed
What we didnt know about Switzerland then
we wont know until we know
even then what we think we will know
about Switzerland wont be what we will know
Selamawit's Love has been the keys to opening up all the preset predetermined normalities of an average Love
Selam's letting go of her Love to me has thrusted us
to a spectacular and predictably unpredictable Love
The vastness of her Love is unexplored
The unexplored of our Love is vast
With my Selam there are no boundaries
only discoveries
of newer freedoms of feelings and emotions
With each new and newer Love
I follow and find her amongst the Chaos
With each new and newer Loves
I find unknown previous meanings of my very life
I am not prepared, but I am ready
for my Chaos in Love with my Selam
I rush with excited calmness
and the impatience of controlled anxiety
to our undiscoverd universe of
chaos in Love with my Selam
Only the grandeur of such a Majestic and Regal Love
has the permissions from God and Allah
themselves to be set free

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