DLTHOREAUX | Poetry Vibe
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the misunderstanding of misunderstanding



Views: 198

The misunderstanding of misunderstanding

I don't understand what you won't say
I am at a loss for what wasn't heard
My ears went forward and your voice idled
What happened to our perfect love?
Our passion filled kisses? Soft Love? Deep talks?
I can't talk with just myself about
what you weren't saying
I can't help us if you don't help me
What you won't share, makes me without
What you won't give, I can't receive
I can't understand the not expressed
I feel misdirected by your purposeful non-informing
I am disinformed by your leaving our communication
The distance of not understanding is a misunderstanding in itself
The worse part of misunderstanding is it is imposed upon me
Not the not understanding of two people
trying to figure out a confusion
This is a disgreement in understanding
it is not innocent
it is passive agressive
It is the misunderstanding of your not talking
It is your Intent, not the not understanding
It is your directed hurt in the confusion
not the absence of knowledge in the not understanding
It is not just a misalignment of communication
It is a disconnect with your hand prints
It is an undermining not disguised
Not understanding still has love in it
This is misunderstanding
and my misunderstanding of it

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Kingqadardwon' says:

Outstanding write!

LP45 says:

Very nice DL. Thanks for sharing.

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