scash102 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 27900
contest winner
In the world and years of poetry.. Many stories have touched the lives of many.

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Your Kindness



Views: 183
You're a listening ear You always calm my fears When I need support you're there When there are tears you bring smiles. Whenever I need someone to rely on, you're there. I'm thankful for the gesture. Its like a deeper connection and trust with you. Many times I have comfort with you. With me you know I'm dependable, with imperfections I'm human tho. You help the day breeze by calmly When we're together there's no denying it. We have good times and talks I've shown me I can myself with you. The hugs and words of encouragement help with the hard times. You're a friend in more ways then one, our journey has only begun. Even when we're apart, I think of you with hopes your day is well too. I know you have my back ,I know we don't always agree but rarely disagree like siblings. Glad to have you in my life and hope we have a great lasting friendship. Feels good knowing we understand each other. You're kind and welcoming, you always mean well and that's inspiring. You don't talk behind me and you're very kind to me. We have fun and laugh together. We always have a good time.

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