scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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In the world and years of poetry.. Many stories have touched the lives of many.

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just different

Views: 201
While its on my chest, sometimes good things end. Maybe it wasn't as good as I thought ,maybe I was dreaming. About the day you'd finally say " I was wrong , I'm sorry, babe listen to me". Don't cry over spilled milk, no it's not a guilt trip. So much time and effort just to tear down what was built. You have no shame, you play many games, they say call it like you see it ,well that's not a name. There Is no going back n damage is done but the mess still lingers on. I guess you can do it by yourself? I guess in your eyes , you don't need my help. If it was all about you, it wouldnt be real. You're in denial and lacking the fact of accepting the truth and thats part of why I left you. Its not easy its not right .. I'm the one cryin while you're alright. To you its fair ,to me its bull. Took a break from the old me cus the new me has been done with your . I've repeated myself so many times,it could've been a record. Even still you don't get it, going backward instead of forward. When you do realize the rest of the truth, or proof or whatever satisfies you. Wake up ,stop ,remember once upon a time, we made a child. You're acting wild like I deserve this. What you deserve you haven't gotten half of it.

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