scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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In the world and years of poetry.. Many stories have touched the lives of many.

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Views: 205

Is it too much to ask to let him guard down? Is he ready to be serious or is it a mysterious game. In her hand there is his and in his arms is her snuggled up then they , lay next to each other after they talk for hours, kiss and hug. He gave mixed signals one minute, next he act like this could be it. A friend not looking for a friend however as a friend we've passed that chapter then. We've established much more. Is your heart available? Are his emotions reachable? She is in her lane and its goin great yea. Say whats on his mind, made a big mess this time n they guesd no one really wins. Mixed feelings sinking in. They both want to be needed n belong.

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