Reverse polarity…
To catch
The gist ...of this...
i am ...inclined...
To blow a trumpet
...into the heavens...
Amidst ...the signs...
Of ...these daily news...
Or this, just...
Another rainy days
Which... plays on the radio…
Of my consciousness...
As the windshield wipers
…mark the time…
Raindrops falling upon the glass
…in the mirrors of my eyes…
Provides the right diversion
…it’s gentle rhythm
Marks …the moments tide
Which fills the eddies
…of my mind…
The current …at the surface
Of a rolling stream…
…A hope,
A wish… A prayer
A dream…
Written upon the face of a quiet pool...
Ripples …of my life…
As i drift off to sleep…
About current circumstance
…my people… suffering injustice...
Finding …a different truth…
In plain sight …bringing back…
A different ending …to…
What has transpired …being a crime…
From a different world time...
As astronauts… finding peace…
In hopeless battles, being fought…
Weaponless …against the tide…
Reentry, into relevance…
Becoming, more aligned…
With you and me, now…
Voices heard…
As unchanging evidence
Becomes maligned…
By those…
Seeing …the truth about us…
In jealousy ...or envy
Seeking warped retribution
Making us serve time
or then killing us...
Laughing, as we die...
Mocking us...
Finding our place …in this…
Can no longer be denied…
(as those, caught up …in the lie )
Fall …screaming profanity, crying…
Losing their minds…
As, they...find... themselves, being judged...
Losing their grip …of ownership…
In …and out… of…
A prison... in their minds...
On a prison ship chains...
Another …space+in+time…
Hearing elevato(jungle)music
...of joyous people in celebration ...of life...
Wrapping it up… creative whispers…
Speaking of love ...and forgiveness...
Upon it’s drifting rhyme
The repentant/recognition ...find release
The unrepentant
Curse and scream, bloody murder
…then, dying…
As we join hands
…and build a new world…
With a new …master plan…
Crossing bridges …in our minds
As, even…
Ancient text… suggest…
It’s …about time…
(swing …low, sweet chariot…)
…side effects/exploding fireworks…
Displays of wildly affectionate people
Expressing gratitude…
Leaving behind…
The smoking ruins
…of a desolate, wasted world,
Of wickedness