![]() scash102
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just different
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Charles2 says: Good.. wholesome(sound reasoning) ...loving... communication. |
Scash102 says: Thank you |
No Holdin backToo many years..ran from fears with tears in my eyes from child to older n becomin more wise. In my eyes..face to face with fears that try to put me in a box, yet know how let the box be the vehicle..take us past the past..so many regrets from fear.. Refuse to let it last..only human yet humanly powerful to whom we're created to be ..yet perceive to believe things that decieve instead of receive our dues..love, live..is that you? Time to make changes or come to terms with ..maybe have peace with and a Little more courage..sometimes its scary..yet would that regret be worth it? Wisely decidin or dividin.. Or add to the choice is to us and you. |
UniquelyThere are so many qualities, attributes and values within inside..so many times..give yourself a high five..its not hard to believe or see the all so amazin features of the anatomy that we carry through our journies. While creating new memories, seein more joy, peace instead of just us..there is more to the picture..figures as the thoughts gather and travel, settle , unravel..something sad, something mad and perhaps something beyond the past ..everlast and beauty... Subtle peace with knowin ..while growin and rising to a new peace, new level..embezzled with life's jewelry..so many wonders to how it all exists yet so exquisite..to the extent..uncomplicated yet mystic.. Omni present.. Persistent, omnipitent..so refreshing ..the blessings ..less stressin.. Undressin fears.. Elegantly woven years with the finest silk..flowin past barriers ..healing essence .. Ever present ..life it self and we're part of it, within and in part to all..the rises from the falls.. Decades..nature's echo... |
Dance in the rainTo my surprise something different, out the ordinary.. Very interesting, how rejuvenatin! Skin touched by the rain, sliddin down my clothes. Rhythm flowing. It feels good like a party. Splashin puddles, carefree.. Feeling my body move .. Legs moving, hips swingin ..having fun.. Enjoyin the flow that has just begun. Dance with the flow of the bass and the beat. Tingle in my feet, having fun with my kids, backyard groovin n movin. Each note flow like antidote and its a dope feelin.. Yet in the moment its serene.. |
FocusI see you before you come my way.. Maybe you like me or you don't either way I say.. Your intentions and energy spoke before you did, rather there was a miscommunication or you really meant it. I see you I can tell you havent been loved right, lied to , led to believe the person loved you instead they played you and betrayed you then left you with no clue. I see you smiling, enjoying your day and working hard anyway.. Paying bills, making deals , signing papers and its surreal. I see you cried a lot of nights.. Had a few fights.. Inner turmoil.. Haunting you thought the night but you fight it and fight through it cause theres more to life for you.. I see you .kind, gentle, loving and sincere, you can't help that's how you are and nothing is wrong with that for real. I see you..they really got you messed up..you fed up taking they stuff and sorry ain't always enough. I see you. They left you by yourself.. You werent invited..they didn't tell no one else. I see you. Dancing ,smi... |
If you knew Prt.2If you knew how it felt to be compared all the time, competition anxiety messing with your mind. Insecurities without assurance to reaffirm the truth. If you knew how others see you or you see others from their point of view perhaps you too would see things with a different view. If you knew how much your hugs meant, your encouragement or the special touch of effort you put when you mean it. I'm sure that you would come to see all that you are and all you can be. If you knew how many times you could of said the words and changed the argument or the words before you last seen each other after leaving one another. If you knew how much they care when they pretend they don't. If you knew they care and love you when they act like they don't. If you knew would it make a difference? If you knew how felt to have someone protect and defend you. Maybe not always there yet there when you need them to (be). If you knew how it hurts and frustrates when you fail to communicate or appreciate some... |
From both sidesWe have our own feelings and beliefs. We don't always agree on everything. Somehow we're about to relate with similar things with hopes of understanding. The way I see things through my eyes, if you could n I could trade sides. You feel strongly about what you do and speak. You keep going strong. Its hard not to speak on things and its harder to ignore them just to ease the discomfort and agony or turmoil like a seed planted in the soil. Took long enough, road has been tough and better days awaiting. Air brushes against my face, sun gracing my skin and nature in my surroundings. Something about the serenity and peace, wanna share it with my feet up ,sit back with cup and talk, laugh maybe giggles, and dance let loose have fun with my people. Just a little time away from all the "normal" things for a bit time to enjoy the refreshments and joy a little moment can bring. Sing together, hold hands or maybe find peace with each other. Not always irritated or just tolerate each other. ... |
He Doesn't Love herHe doesn't love her, you love the idea of me. Maybe you love the parts that appeal to you of me. Maybe he love who he want her to be.. She could tell you don't love me. He have an idea and beliefs of love. He feel I can fit the picture or just not into another. He is kind, respectable, fun and loving. She see he happy in love and loved properly by someone else who wants the same. He have his views and opinions and she has hers. She say to, him say that. We have respect for each other and care for another.somehow she know the love he desire i can not give him. He seem convinced and don't believe maybe there is someone else who can and will give the love you dream. Maybe in my mind she refuse to be the reason , he was hurt. Maybe she refuse to be the one who could break his heart and fail him or maybe I'm too stubborn. Either way she knew love, loves no one at least they say. She believe in h I m on journey, you'll meet the one that fills his every want and need. Not saying I cant.... |
Been DoneWhile its on my chest, sometimes good things end. Maybe it wasn't as good as I thought ,maybe I was dreaming. About the day you'd finally say " I was wrong , I'm sorry, babe listen to me". Don't cry over spilled milk, no it's not a guilt trip. So much time and effort just to tear down what was built. You have no shame, you play many games, they say call it like you see it ,well that's not a name. There Is no going back n damage is done but the mess still lingers on. I guess you can do it by yourself? I guess in your eyes , you don't need my help. If it was all about you, it wouldnt be real. You're in denial and lacking the fact of accepting the truth and thats part of why I left you. Its not easy its not right .. I'm the one cryin while you're alright. To you its fair ,to me its bull. Took a break from the old me cus the new me has been done with your . I've repeated myself so many times,it could've been a record. Even still you don't get it, going backward instead of forward. When... |
SheIm me, no excuses apologies, and no im not being y. Not a model or groupie, not plastic or star gazing. There are many words that describe me, good and maybe bad for some but im not sorry. I always try to be me, unique, different and no copies. Im artistic, realistic, amazing, leave alot of people speechless and heavy breathing. Im not going to go through my life history, i don't need an introduction my Poetry does it for me, simple and sweet poetry is about enough to describe me..im poetry and i live through poetry. |
silenceSometimes i feel like im standing still while the world rushes around me on fast forward. Days go by and and you don't realize til you look backand see how fast time flies. I feel like im in slow motion and everyone around me, knows what's going on except me. So many emotions on my chest, worries through my head and memories in my dreams. This life is not what it seems like caged animal in an obscene fake illusion of a natural home to roam and be free. Somethings are hard to explain and some words hold to much pain and sometime its hard to sane when you feel like you're living in vain and its strange cus you want change to happen in your life, you pray but you cant find the words to describe the situation right. Its hard to trust most people , we live in fear knowing they arent our equal, not everyone believes in you and or wants the best for you like you would want for yourself. Its bad that you have to love yourself soo much so to avoid the pain of anyone else. Not saying ... |